Saturday, July 7, 2012

When 13.1 Doesn't Count

I ran 13.1 miles - a half marathon - for the first time the other day.
I wanted to prove that I'd be physically capable of running the full distance of the  Chicago Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon in about two weeks.

But I ran it on a treadmill - and in my mind, that doesn't count.
Running it indoors was nothing like running a half marathon outside. 

Even if the distance is the same... it's not.
Despite trying to replicate normal conditions as best as possible - running with the exact same clothes and hydration belt - it felt too different.

After: "Meh"
Inside, it was 70 degrees. Fans going above. I had a TV on. I put unused headphones in holders, instead of carrying them. I drenched myself with water twice in the bathroom. I didn't have to worry about twisting ankles jumping off of curbs. My knees weren't a problem.The only way I could tell I'd run the full distance was watching the LED ticker on the screen. I had a foam roller ready for immediate use afterward.

Outside, it was 105 degrees and sunny, a blast furnace.

Running 13.1 for the first time should produce jubilation.
Barely feels like an accomplishment.

I have no clue if I'm going to be able to even finish this upcoming half - even with low impact, I stopped completely about eight or nine times.
Hell, at this point, if this weather keeps up the way it's been lately, it might get canceled.

I'd never run more than five minutes on the treadmill before. After the dissatisfaction of that run, I don't plan on making it a regular habit, if I can avoid it.

Also learned:
Gatorade powder mixed full strength with water is delicious and effective against burnout. 
Gatorade powder at 1/4 the proscribed strength against water is disgusting.

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